Detecting Fraud From Outside Your Company
We recently received an inquiry via email for a very large order: 4,500 Jazz Bands at full retail.
At first glance, we were thinking “WOO-HOO! Let’s fire up the machines and get these babies rolling!” However, something was amiss. Continue reading
Dump Your Mortgage; Keep the Deduction
A simple personal finance lesson that all employees should read Continue reading
Easy (and Completely Painless) Ways to Give
We all want to give more, but it’s a pain. It either costs money or we have to “run for a cure” while panhandling to our friends and co-workers. We say, forget all that. Continue reading
AmeriCorps – Another Great Way to Serve Your Country
In a previous post we highlighted two amazing programs our country offers – The Peace Corps and Job Corps. Today, we’re going to talk about AmeriCorps. Continue reading
Going Green for Less
You can go green in how you buy, how you make money and how you are entertained, including the food you eat! Continue reading
The Importance of Clear Communication on Your Company’s Blog

While most people wouldn’t know how to spell “egregious,” one may wonder about a university that charges $10,000/year (in-state rate).
Your web presence is too important to fool around with. Not only does your site need to convey clear ideas, but they cannot stray from the reason people are there. Continue reading
Social Media and Business – Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Social media is a great way to connect with friends. For some, it’s also a fantastic way to stay even more connected with people from work. However, there are times when people lose their minds and Continue reading
Product Placement in Popular Movies & TV Shows
The other night one of our employees was watching a television show called “Suits” on the USA Network and spotted a yellow classification folder, exactly like the ones we sell. Continue reading
1.2 Million Lawyers – What If………?
There are currently 1.2 million lawyers in the United States. Continue reading